Friday, May 17, 2013

That's My Little Lady

We have found that Harper is not so entertained by the usual toddler toys, but let her open up the bathroom closet and have at the toilet plunger or shower scrub brush and she is well amused.  Watching her drag the plunger from room to room completely f.r.e.a.k.s me out, but sometimes you just have to roll with it if it means a few minutes of getting something done in return.  My closet has also allowed for some temporary amusement, and particularly since rearranging it, there is now a low shelf with my clutches and small bags neatly arranged just at the perfect height for a toddler.  Harper apparently hasn't gotten the memo yet about treating one's accessories kindly, as she flings the clutches all over the floor, but yesterday she discovered that the Louis might be just her size.  As I was getting changed, I hear a "Byyyeee" in her little sing-songy pitch and turn around to see her scooting off with the Louis perched in her arm crux (as Hunt refers to such place where I usually carry said bag as well). 

She proceeded to take it into the playroom and find various random things to shove into it, including the yellow drum for her xylophone and then the glass flower vase from her table.  I didn't manage to capture a pic of her throwing the bag at Winnie's face followed by laughing.  On a side note, throwing things is also a source of exceptional amusement, particularly when it involves taking off her socks and shoes in the car and then throwing them over the back of her head at Hunt or I driving in the front seat.  I was hit in the head this afternoon by a micro shoe, which Harper naturally thought was hilarious (I did too.)