Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Blogger Fever

I have recently developed blogger fever.  Several friends have been active bloggers for some time, many since they began having babies and wanted to share their family updates with others.  When we knew that Harper was coming, I thought about starting one- actually did the template and everything, and then honestly sort of gave up on the idea.  The act of trying to get a cute template and layout all pulled together was somewhat daunting, and not being the most tech savvy I was easily discouraged from the amount of work that seemed to be involved.  And so, I have instead taken to being an over poster on Facebook, routinely posting pics and activities with Harper and our comings and goings as a family for the past year and a half.  I've resisted most urges to post hopefully too much of the mundane stuff that you know people are rolling their eyes at and thinking "who on Earth cares", but enough that our friends and family that are curious can watch as our lives have unfolded and Harper has grown and changed.

Fast forward to the past few months, and I have felt a renewed pressing urge to really capture the moments that are happening around me.  Perhaps, it is having a toddler who literally changes each day and is truly becoming her own little person, and perhaps it is knowing that we may only experience this once if she is an only child.  It is certainly influenced by this blog phenomenom that has seemingly become such an impactful way for other women and mommies to connect.  It is not a totally uncommon thing for Hunt to find me glued to my iPhone and crying or generally just obsessing over someone else's post of their life, their truth, their circumstances.  People are really putting themselves out there for others, and their honesty is so refreshing and also so inspiring and captivating.  And I guess, I have started to feel like I have a lot in my head, and a lot that needs to be documented somewhere- especially when it comes to making sure how much Harper knows that she is loved and cherished beyond anything I could have ever thought possible.  Plus, how else can I post my own creations or more truthfully, my re-creations on Pinterest without having my own blog to link to!

And so, here we are... I am still trying to figure out this whole layout thing with blogger.  I have this total compulsion to want things to look a certain way and be all perfect before others see it- that probably sounds like a therapy session all wrapped up in one very illuminating sentence, doesn't it??  And, I keep feeling like there needs to be a "start date" that makes sense, rather than just a random Tuesday, but that too hasn't seem to come along and it is a quiet day at work so why not just get it started.  Life is too short to mess around with the trivial details, right?