Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Memorial Weekend Yummies

The holiday weekend proved an excellent excuse for trying out some new Pinterest recipes.  Saturday afternoon, I put together a Southwestern Chicken Cornbread Salad, compliments of Martha Stewart.  I usually think that I would find her recipes overly frou frou and complicated, but this one was easy and actually very good.  I made a few modifications- added some bacon and pico instead of tomatoes, and my own ratios... It is the kind of recipe that is amenable to a little of this, little of that concoction which works best for my less than precise nature.

Recipe link:  http://www.marthastewart.com/856896/southwestern-chicken-cornbread-salad

Little lounger in the kitchen.

The prospect of another neighborhood barbecue on Sunday gave me the much desired excuse for some baking.  The brownies I put together on Saturday evening, and they are ridiculously good and rich.  Eggless cookie dough is about the most delicious thing ever, and being able to make it with gluten free flour is such a bonus.

The cupcakes were created Sunday morning before anyone else in my house (besides Winnie) were awake.  Harper slept in until 9:15 am, which is unheard of, but clearly thanks to a busy day at the zoo.  The cupcakes turned out really pretty, but the cake part were kind-of doughy, maybe from the raspberries put into them?  And once again, the homemade icing is my nemesis.  Or maybe it is the icing gun, which requires it to be really thick in order to make the nice ribboning that I am now addicted to.  The recipe for this icing actually called for shortening, which sounded kind-of gross and I was having a hard time finding at the store, so I used cream cheese instead... but maybe the shortening would provide that extra thickening that I've been missing?? Hmmm.  This is probably way more brain cells than should be reasonably dedicated to cupcake icing.

Recipe link:  http://www.sixsistersstuff.com/2012/05/raspberry-lemonade-cupcakes.html

O.M.G.  I literally had this post done twenty minutes ago... All I did was pull up Pinterest to find the recipe link, and that turned into opening up the Six Sisters site, which led to the discovery of something called M&M Monster Dip, which led to a link to M&M Monster Cookie Dough Cupcakes, which led to me drooling and then going back to my phone to pin all of these new discoveries on Pinterest!!  Seriously.