Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Once Upon a Time in Paradise

Once upon a time, I lived in paradise.

Hunt and I have been debating about what to do with his precious time off for the break between summer and fall sessions of school.  I must admit that I have been somewhat noncommittal about the whole subject, which is odd because I am usually the ancy one desperate to go somewhere else.  The idea of travel and relaxation is a bit different, however, when contemplating it with a toddler and a quasi absentee husband, and so frankly the prospect of packing all of us up and getting organized for a big trip just left me tired and uninspired.  Until for some reason, it just sort of occurred to me that we should go back to Del Mar...We've always talked about going back when Harper was older and could do more things, and while she may be a few years away from some of the things like Sea World and Disney, she is absolutely ripe for the amazing zoo there, and she is totally a beach baby.  And the beauty of vacationing in Del Mar is that it is simultaneously like going home and all the comforts of that concept, while knowing that your home is also like the nicest, prettiest place that you can possibly imagine.  It is no wonder that we hardly felt any compulsion to travel while we were living there- it's like living in a staycation!

Now I will say, the odd thing about actually living your day to day mundane life in said "paradise" is that at some point you can become a bit immune to the phenomenal landscape, and your life is still just your life even when there are palm trees and crashing waves as the backdrop.  I actually did get kind-of tired of it being 72 degrees and sunny everyday- you feel like you must be outside and running along the ocean or biking or surfing or hiking or you are missing something vital.  And that rainy stormy day where you can be totally lazy on the couch doesn't really exist.  Although, honestly the days of laying around on the couch in any form or fashion ended with the sharp conclusion of my pregnancy.  Interestingly, the prospect of taking child and dog to the beach, and all the sand and the mess became somewhat annoying rather than exhilarating like when it is a once a year special occasion for a vacation.  This all sounds supremely and utterly ridiculous now in retrospect, but it really was how I felt towards the end of the time that we were there.  I do think that living somewhere that we knew was just temporary and not to be overly attached to, certainly influenced above feelings.

In the end, what I took away from that time in our lives, though, was an overwhelming feeling of gratitude for having the opportunity to live near the ocean and bask in that unparalleled sunlight.  It was such a therapeutic place, and I had the rare chance to experience what I think is the true meaning (or at least mine) of what serenity should be.  The coast line that starts from Torrey Pines and travels north up through Del Mar, Solana, and Encinitas is the closest thing that I can equate to my vision of heaven on Earth.  Words can't do it justice, and even the still pics that I have somehow seem flatter and quieter than the actuality of standing along the beach and just desperately trying to take it all in.


These were taken in Coronado on Dog Beach, literally the first evening that Winnie and I arrived after our long drive across the middle of the US to get to San Diego.  They completely set the tone for SoCal living.

Here are some shots of the coastline in Del Mar.  Before Harper was born, I would take Winnie to the part of the beach that dogs are allowed on my days off and would let her chase tennis balls for hours.  Especially in the off season, this beach is very quiet and private feeling, and there would be days where it would basically be the two of us and some surfers.

These were taken at Torrey Pines State Park.  This wasn't my go-to destination because dogs weren't allowed and I just could justify leaving Winnie in the house while I was at the beach.  I did, however, actually pull over my car a few times and take impromptu pictures there when I was feeling particularly nostalgic about the gorgeousness.

Sunsets could take your breath away.


A SoCal beach baby for life is born.

Our last evening goodbye to the beach.  This is not an easy view to have in your rear view mirror for the final time.

And so, it brings me utter joy to relive all of this beauty and wonder while knowing that we will actually get to be back in the middle of it in just a few short months!!  It's going to be hard having a taste of it again when it is fleeting, but I am still so excited that we are going back.  We've already started the list... Brunch at Sbicca with mimosas overlooking Powerhouse Park, Brunch at Claire's on Cedros followed by shopping on Cedros, walks along the beach and downtown Del Mar, dinner at En Fuego and countless other places that I don't even know how we will pick between.  Definitely seeing some of our good friends and family that are still there, maybe the zoo, maybe Legoland... And absolutely a little wine and relaxing on the little porch of our VRBO.  Ahmazing.