Tuesday, May 28, 2013

I Wrote To The Zoo To Send Me a Pet...

So starts one of Harper's favorite books currently... It occured to me that she is pretty in to animals and their sounds these days, so the zoo might be a fun outing.  We kicked off a super fun Memorial Day weekend with our first trip to the Indy Zoo with our friends Mindy, Miles and Harrison.  Hunt and I both agreed that we have been somewhat spoiled with the caliber of zoos that we have been exposed to over the years between DC and San Diego, so at first glance the Indy version was a bit more basic.  That being said, it was super manageable with a toddler, and the animals were actually close enough in the smaller landscapes that Harper and Harrison could get pretty close to them so all in all that certainly counts for something!  The toddlers, aka Mr. and Mrs. H or His and Hers H's, were totally adorable walking around together and managed to share the wagon, snacks, and some stuffed animals amazingly well. 

Hello Mr. Walrus.  Hope you don't mind me pounding on your house in total excitement!

Screeching with delight.

I believe there were some goldfish involved in this jockeying around the wagon.

Sweet, sweet little pair.

Checking out the Monkeys, with their own little Monkey faces.

Hi Kitty.  "Peeoow".

His and Hers H's checking out the elephants.

Miles gets a piggyback from his honorary big brother Mr. Hunt.

One small animal feeding another.