Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Old Friends and the Cutest Little Ones

It's no secret that I might think Harper is just about the cutest thing ever.  Apparently all parents feel this way about their own kids too, but I still think that she is cuter, smarter, and more fun than anyone else's.  Or almost anyone else's that is, since my oldest friend just happens to have not one, but two of the cutest kids that I have ever seen.  This is not me sucking up either, this is just the truth.  Even Hunt can't get over how adorable they are, and he's a guy.

We had the pleasure of spending the weekend with both the oldest of friends and the three cutest children in the world under one roof.  Sincerely such an awesome experience to see Harper reaching out to go to Erin to be held and having Cooper and Ella playing with "Baby Hawper".  Since Erin is my oldest and dearest friend, I have a desperate need for her to be close to Harper and vice versa.  Not to get all "Beaches" about it, but Erin is probably the only person besides Hunt that could really convey to Harper who I am and what I'm all about, and I don't take that lightly.  Erin and Brian have created such a warm and loving family, and anyone would be lucky to be a part of their fold and get to experience their children. 

We started the weekend off with a fun BBQ in the cul-de-sac, and then the boys got to experience the Children's Museum with the kids while Erin and I attended the charity event.  The weekend was finished off with dinner at our house along with our neighbors Mindy and Jim, who also happen to have two more of the cutest little boys ever, Harrison and Miles.  Our house was mighty loud and chaotic with 5 kids five years old and younger, and at one point I sort-of yelled over to the other adults something along the lines of "how on Earth do people do this with this many of their own kids"?!  Seriously, it was complete stimulation overload when I am used to it being just the 3 1/2 of us (Winnie being the 1/2, of course).  That being said, our house was also so full of life and it truly felt like my quintessential idea of what a "home" and family is supposed to be all about, and I loved it.





And a few more super cute ones from Erin...

What do you mean, all of the gobstoppers and nerds on the floor aren't for me??


Group swim.

Early morning cupcake party, Squeaky showed up diapies nakies.