Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Sun Day Fun Day on a Wednesday

Despite both of us waking up super grouchy-- Squeaky had a return on the runny nose blah this week, and I was just plain cranky without any real solid excuse, we managed to rally through the day together and actually end it with everyone in much better spirits than we started off.  We took a nice walk this morning and then spent most of the day and evening, with the exception of a nap and her well child check-up playing outside... It is so lovely to be able to get out of the house all day and let her run around now that the weather is finally cooperating.

Squeaky had a great check-up, and made it through the whole exam without crying which was the first in quite awhile.  She also got to stand up on the big girl scale today, which was really cute, but also kind-of sad for Mommy... my little baby is getting all growns up.  I actually love having her get older and more independent, and this early toddler age has been more adorable than I would have realized, but I don't want her to get too old too fast!

Our afternoon and evening session... Included some of the little boys from the neighborhood and fashioned with a cute little dress and bow.  She got a horse sticker at the doctor appointment, and kept pointing at it and saying "neigh".  Precious.  She is loving dumping water onto the tree, and then realized that putting mulch into the pool is fun too.  I am glad that she likes to get down in the dirt and play... especially since she does it with a dress and a bow on.

And to round out the evening... Cookies N Cream cupcakes, inspiration compliments of the fabulous Pinterest!  I cheated a bit and used pre-made icing because making my own from scratch has been an effort in total frustration lately, but I added the GF Oreo cookies to the icing and each one has a whole Oreo as the base of the cake.  If I were really being professional, I should have gotten a picture with it cut in half so that you can see the inside, but oh well.  There is something oddly satisfying about conquering a day of crankiness and a snotty toddler all on my own, and being able to pull it together to knock out some cupcakes on the back end!