Friday, May 10, 2013

Seeing Double

Ever since Harper Grace arrived, people have often looked at her next to Hunt and I together and seem to take pause over the question of who she really takes after.  The general consensus seems to usually land somewhere along the lines of her being "a nice mix of both of us", which I think is both a pretty accurate assessment and also a nice sentiment.  As she has grown into her little body and face, as well as her personality, I have always felt that she is a mini Hunt with a splash of Carson thrown in.  Sometimes it can be hard to really judge this, though. when you are looking at the little person day in and out.  When Erin was visiting last weekend, however, she could not get over how much HG looked just so much like Carson.  This got me thinking about the resemblance again, and so I asked my mom to send me some pictures of Carson from around the same age to compare the two.

And holy good gracious, they are mirror images of one another.  I literally did a double take of this picture of Carson's profile where she is perched on the porch, and Grammy Susie initially thought that HG was photo shopped into it when I emailed it to her to see.

It brings me so much joy and delight that my two favorite girls in the world are twinsies. 

It is also super sweet and special to me that I have thought she was going to look like Carson ever since I saw a very clear profile of her on one of my later ultrasounds.  There was something about her nose and eyes that just immediately reminded me of her.  I haven't looked at these ultrasound pictures in a long time, and it is so fun now to see them again and know that they were very true to what she looks like as a real little girl.