Yesterday was an unusually busy week day for my social calendar! It was simultaneously the last day of school in Carmel, and so there was an End-of-Year party planned for the Village, as well as the launch party for the new Kate Spade store here (looove.) I thought the Village party sounded like a fun thing to do with Harper (even though her "school" is technically year round), and had plans to meet our little friends over there so I packed her up early from work/school and headed up. It seemed like a good excuse to throw on the Giraffe dress which I have been dying to get her in, but that was honestly the major highlight of the party. It was super hot and somewhat overstimulating with tween karaoke in the background, and little Squeaky was pretty flushed and generally just out of sorts with the whole thing. We stayed long enough for me to get a few cute pics of her and her "lellow" bow, pet a few BaBa's and then pretty much bailed. Definitely one of those sounds really fun plans, that totally isn't as much so in reality.

My attempt at a photo op... That "glow" is me actively sweating. |
Harper and Mia fully enamored with tween karaoke. |
Photo attempt #2... not so much. |
That look pretty much sums it up- way too hot for fun. But that dress is just about my favorite! |