How crazy to look back at pictures of the girls just one year ago... On my first Mommy's day, HG was just working on sitting up on her own, and we were living in the apartment waiting for the house to be done. We had just relocated back to Indy, and it sort of felt like our whole life was turned upside down and a constant whirlwind of stress and change. And now here we are, just one year later- all settled into our home and with a tiny Squeaky literally running around and talking up a storm. Our life is still borderline chaos at any given moment juggling two careers, Hunt's school, and caring for a small human and dog but I do have a sense of the "FINALLY". Erin and I recently discussed the concept of this "FINALLY", and while it means something different for everyone, for me it is the sense that I am finally where I am supposed to be and doing what I am supposed to be. This doesn't equate to perfection or a constant state of bliss, believe me, but more like a sense that the quiet unrest which I have struggled with off and on for a long time is calmed. To have such peace is a thing of beauty.
Look at that little nugget and her paci. It's amazing how in one year we went from a baby to a full fledged little person!
Winnie, May 2012 on the left, and today on the right. She doesn't look like she's aged a bit- although I can promise that a full year with a toddler has certainly done so in spirit, if nothing else. I tell myself that deep down they really love each other, despite all the screeching and "No BaBa, Down BaBa, MINE BaBa" and Winnie constantly trying to eat Harper's stuffed animals and toys. To be honest, they really do sort-of coexist like little sisters- competing for attention from Mommy and Daddy, stealing each other's stuff, sharing snacks, etc. It is certainly never a dull moment with the two of them around.
A little early morning cupcake party... Squeaky as the chef.
We took full advantage of having some sun and almost spring temps, as well as the unique opportunity of having the playground all to ourselves this afternoon. While I adore having so many big and little friends on our street, there was also something really fantastic about being able to enjoy it for just a bit with Squeaky and Puppy.
We took full advantage of having some sun and almost spring temps, as well as the unique opportunity of having the playground all to ourselves this afternoon. While I adore having so many big and little friends on our street, there was also something really fantastic about being able to enjoy it for just a bit with Squeaky and Puppy.