Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Mullet Tales

When Hunt and I knew that we were having a baby, we spent every ounce of our energies focused on the prospect of finally just having a healthy full pregnancy and baby.  Finding out that it was a little girl was exciting and cute, but honestly truly tempered by our overwhelming concern and anxiety that she just be healthy and fine.  I think that we maybe had one or two fleeting conversations when I was very far along about our hopes for her in the looks department, but I actually cannot adequately convey how very unimportant and shallow that seemed after everything that we had been through before her.

Now, I do recall that there were just a few features that we specifically discussed in these fleeting moments.  We hoped that she could be tall like Hunt (check), and that she might have large dark doe eyes like mine-- Hunt's description (check), and finally for a long, thick mane-- again Hunt's description, and well suffice to say that check box is still open.

Enter the baby mullet.

Harper is all business on top, and party in the back.  One half just can't quite seem to catch up.  I was determined for a long time to just let her hair grow out long and naturally, but a few months ago it was so unequal that I finally hit the wall and succumbed to my will to trim up the back during bath time.  It could have, and should have been a disaster- I can't cut straight for you know what, but by some miracle it actually looked really cute.

Here are the piggies that Daddy did one evening all on his own prior to the first trim.  They did a real justice to that baby mullet, and how freaking cute that Hunt was the first one to do it too.  He's so the guy to be a Daddy to a little girl.

It would appear that a few months later, we find ourselves mulleting again (I sure wish that was a real verb).  I'd say this pic captures it au natural fairly well:

And here is what a toddler mullet looks like pulled back into a single pony.  Her teacher at school did this for her along with all the other girls in the class when they went out to play, and I literally almost fell over when I walked in to pick her up today.  It is precious to me that her teacher is doing all of their little hair do's, but I'm just not sure that this look is going to stick.  To her credit, she is so precious and adorable and hilarious for a little person, that she has the personality that can almost pull off the single mullet pony while wearing her very well coordinated new spring outfit picked out this morning by Daddy all by himself.  I totally think that she has Carson to thank for this (not the mullet hair, but the innate spunk to pull it off).  But seriously, what else can you possibly say about this??