Thursday, January 9, 2014

Living in a Snow Globe

This week I learned what it is like to live on either the North Pole or in Minnesota, and I can say confidently neither are for me.. Somehow we managed to have Polar type weather systems make their way all the way down to us which resulted in a foot of snow and temps that apparently felt like -40 degrees.  When people used to ask me about the cold winters here, I would tell them that for me, once the temps are below say 25 degrees or so it's just really f'ing cold and I'm not sure you can tell a difference.  Now that I have had the experience of negative wind chills, I can honestly say that there is no good explanation of that besides feeling unnatural and painful.  Even just a few seconds of opening to door to let Winnie out were excruciating.  The snow storm started on a Sunday and we were prepared to stay indoors so it was actually quite relaxing and peaceful to watch it come down.  But then it just kept going and my pretty snow globe world turned into snow mountains and multiple shovel attempts and ultimately a few more days of not being able to leave the house or get to work. Ugh. I did get some pretty pics, though!

Miles lending some assistance

Harper's "shivering" face.. Totally laughed out loud

"Is cold!"

Peeking out to watch daddy shovel

Warm and snuggly inside watching GiggleBellies on the iPad

Such concentrated focus

And a foot later... Some day, one day, maybe all of this will melt???

It was too cold ever for her

Frosty Puppy

Bundling up for a play date with Lori and Mia to get us out of the house!!