Monday, January 13, 2014

Hot Fudge Sundae Cupcakes

I needed to make some birthday cupcakes to bring into work this weekend, and decided it was time to try out a new idea that was cute and not too cumbersome to put together.  These turned out perfect for what I had in mind!  

For the cake, I did my usual GF boxed recipe with the almond syrup substitution, and I have started cooking them at 325 which seems to keep them a little more moist.  I cheated and used store bought icing to save some aggravation and time, and then topped with rest.  A few modifications for next time.. I was trying to find a chocolate that wouldn't be runny, so I got Magic Shell.. As Hunt pointed out, the magic shell stays hard on the frozen ice cream so while I put these in the freezer to harden the shell- once at room temp, no longer hard.  Fortunately, the chocolate didn't get massively runny.  I will also get a thing of Ready Whip next time to save steps in piping on cool whip.  All in all, super cute and very sweet!

Cautiously  making her first approach

Contrary to the face, she did like them!