Monday, September 30, 2013

Weekend Fun

We have had a few fantastic weekends recently at our house.. simple, no stress and just really fun family time.  Harper has just been unbelievably cute lately, and if possible made Hunt and I even more obsessed with her.  She is so chatty and will randomly break in to "Happy Birthday ___ (fill in the blank.. George aka Curious George, yellow, Harper, Daddy, you name it)".  She has figured out that jumping in our bed is super fun and insists upon it before bed- she counts One Two Free and then flings herself down laughing the whole time.  Our new undeniably favorite thing is that she will grab both sides of our head with her hands and give us a kiss on the forehead.  I mean it is the most precious thing EVER.

Spontaneous dinner party at our house.. We did grilled salmon and blue cheese flank steak, and Melissa made her bloody mary's which Hunt and I are literally addicted to.. the secret ingredient apparently is the pickle juice!  After dinner, we got brave and pulled the s'more set out.. It probably could have been a little dicey with the toddlers, but they were surprisingly mindful around the open flame.

This past Friday meant a long awaited return to El Rodeo and a little celebration for Hunt's new job.. Rafael, the very nice gentleman that runs the restaurant always gives HG a lollipop, and not wanting to be a stick in the mud I smile and say "thank you".  Pretty sure the two year old working on a Tootsie roll pop does not win me any mommy points (except with the two year old), but she's happy and after a long week sometimes that's really all we can ask for, right?

Dr. Squeaky has opened up her practice for all new patients.  She is obsessed with taking her temperature under her armpit.. Nothing says I've been sick a lot this year like I know how to pull down my shirt and where to stick the thermometer.

Casual picnic with Edmundo and Mini Baba.

A rainy Sunday meant it was finally time to go join the local library.. Now that she has (mostly) stopped ripping pages apart and is totally into reading, it seemed like a fun thing to do, and she did indeed love it.

She looks like such a big girl in her boot cut jeans!

Perusing the selection

"Yama Yama"