Monday, September 9, 2013

Lil Kickers

This weekend was our first Lil Kickers class, and it was pretty much as adorable as I was picturing it to be in my mind.  Part of the attraction was definitely putting the little nugget in a sports uniform, but it was also the opportunity to have a weekend activity to burn some toddler energy come cold weather time here. The class is very well done, and Harper was pretty into it.. There were definitely some moments of her randomly running off on her own with a ball, and she was somewhat nervous around the new adults, but I think that she will warm up to it as it becomes a routine.  I was pleasantly surprised to see her coordinated enough to run and kick the ball, and even into the goal with some direction. Very, very cute! Can't wait for Auntie Carson to be here next weekend to see the action in person!!