Friday, September 20, 2013

Squeaky Stats

HG had her two year check up yesterday.. She weighed in at 28 pounds and is 33 3/4 in tall.. Both 65% percentile for her age so nice and symmetric!  We reviewed her developmental milestones, and when I told her Pediatrician that she can sing the ABC song and count to 10, she proclaimed that Harper is "advanced" with her language skills :-)  I did tell Hunt the very same thing last week after she randomly counted out loud to ten in the back of the car (although she has a tendency to skip six) that I felt like not all two year olds could do such.  Glad to know that I am not just biased!  In the evening we pulled out her new medical kit and she was enthralled with the thermometer, repeatedly pulling down her shirt in order to stick it under her arm pit and make the beeping noise go off.  Pretty hilarious to watch!