Where to even start?? This past weekend was a whirlwind, frankly the last few weeks leading up to it were also. In preparation for the birthday bash, I turned into a bit of the psycho mom that everyone dreads, worrying and nitpicking over every little detail and nuance, nagging Hunt incessantly, etc etc. Suffice to say, I think everyone at my house was wondering why on earth I decided to throw such an affair this year and by mid week last week I was a hair away from calling the whole thing off as naturally Harper came down with a miserable virus and it looked like we were headed for inevitable disaster. But, with three months of planning and hundreds of dollars spent, it seemed like the only option was to push forward rather than cave to defeat. I am beyond thankful to now be able to say on the back end that I made the right decision and that they party and the weekend were a huge success and really fulfilled my hopes for what it could be.
The weekend started with picking up Auntie Carson and soon to be Uncle Jon on Thursday. Harper began screaming as soon as they got in the car, and I thought to myself ohhh noooo, this might be bad. She's always a little cautious around new people, but I was surprised with the degree of meltdown. Much to my extreme relief, however, once we got settled at home (and half nakies), she warmed up. Jon made her a purple monkey out of playdoh (impressive, really) and after that the two of them were good. She even hugged him before bedtime.

Friday morning was brisk and fall like, so we headed out to Stuckey's farm for a little Americana and apple picking. It was a little chillier than I expected, so I was glad that I had put HG in a jacket and since Carson had borrowed my jean one as well, there ended up being super cute pics of them together without even planning it. Harper woke up asking for "Joooon", and was totally content to be toted around by him while they reached up for the high pickings- really just so precious.
On the hunt for some apples |
Eureka! Found one just for me! |
I'll eat this... Didn't even know that she knew how to eat a whole apple. |
Hard work for toddler chicklets |
Ooohhh, look at what we found! |
Twinsies with the jean jackets.. soo cute |
Sampling some of Jon's namesake |
Squirms the worms |
I have so few pics of just us, so this made me happy- she is almost smiling! |
Hah, not sure what she was going on about, but these faces always crack me up |
Couting, onnne, twwoo, treeee, apples with Uncle Jon.. If you ask how many apples there are, the answer is always TWO! |
Apparently, we sat on the flatbed long enough that they relented in a tractor ride.. HG fussed for the front 2/3 and then realized she actually really liked it. |
Adorable. |
More counting |
Friday afternoon, Carson and I went bridesmaid dress shopping which was super fun. The dress that I have been eyeing for some time was there, and they actually had my size which was some sort of miracle because most of the dresses that they had there were the tiniest things ever. How awkward to be shoving yourself into tiny dresses. This one was obviously meant to be, and I can't wait to see it in navy and find some fabulous earrings and bracelet to go with!
Friday night, we went to El Rodeo where the boys dominated some massive margaritas and then came home to meet up with Aaron's family. Hunt did some reading of the Potty Book, which has become a staple at our house these days. Harper actually let me dress her in one of my infinity scarves and looked the picture perfect fall toddler!

And last but not least.. Oink! Quack! Moo! Harper Grace turns Two Party!! It was a lot to get ready for, and waaay more work than I had anticipated at the conception, but really did turn out great and made me feel a bit like super mom to actually be able to pull it all together. Harper was adorable holding and hugging the bunnies and guinea pigs, and was obsessed with Nacho, the mini horse. The neighbor kids were slightly more into the candy bar than the animals, which was somewhat annoying but remedied by moving a lot of the foot outside. I had not anticipated that kids gather around food the way adults do at parties, and I also learned that kids this age have very short attention spans for activities. I had reserved the animals for two hours thinking that was being conservative, and as it turned out was more than enough time. Lessons learned for the next time I get the idea to plan something like this.. I'd be lying if I didn't say that I am a little excited that Carson's wedding is the same weekend as Harper's birthday next fall so the option of doing a massive party won't really be there.

Mini fondant farm animals from Etsy with individual bows added. The perfect addition to simple cupcakes. |
The cake was ahmazing.. the same baker that did her adorable first birthday elephant cake did this as well, and for a fabulous price. I could not have been happier with the end result. |
Did not notice the slanted letter until I saw this pic.. oops! |
Party favors with individual cupcakes to take home |
The haystacks left over from our neighbor's party ended up being the perfect addition to our backyard set up! |
The animals arrive! |
Checking out the 1 week old guinea pigs |
Hello goats |
Nacho the mini horse |
Hugging the bunny |
Throwing hay is pretty fun too |
Just sittin on my hay, back turned to the party |
Checking out the animals with Miles and Harrison |
Touching a guinea pig gently with one tiny finger |
Carson was 100% most excited of everyone there about the baby guinea pigs! |
Not every day that a wild turkey is wandering the yard free |
Dominating some pizza
Harper surrounded by all her little friends singing Happy Birthday.. completely brought tears of joy to my eyes |
It is amazing what a difference a year makes.. last year she was just cautiously digging her hands into the cake, and now this year sitting at a picnic table and eating with a fork! |
Pretty sure we are talking about Nacho the mini horse or the bunnies |
Bunny needed a drink after all those toddlers |