Monday, March 24, 2014

Ladies Night

When Hunt and I picked our house location, I had no idea that we would get so lucky to be surrounded by such fun and friendly neighbors.  It is definitely an assortment of women from varying backgrounds and with different views on parenting, working, etc but it has served to be a fantastic social outlet for me which I am very thankful for.  There are some 40th birthdays this spring- the first of which was Bo's this month, so plans were concocted to do a surprise ladies night out for her.  It happened to coincide with Sue being able to babysit while she was here and a nice lighthearted night out amidst a long stretch with Hunt gone.  We almost always seem to do stuff with all the families together and lots of kids to keep up with, so it was really fun for everyone to have the night off, eat some sushi, and stay up waaay past what should be my bedtime.