Friday, March 28, 2014

Criss Cross Applesauce

Toddlers are pretty funny little people I am learning.  Everyone talks about how challenging they can be, in fact one reference to three year olds as being "assholes" actually had me laughing out loud recently.  And it is definitely true that there can be some toddler moments that literally make me want to beat my head against the wall.. But some of the stuff she says lately just cracks me up and must be documented.  If only I could have it all recorded in her voice, though, since that is honestly mostly what really makes it all so funny.

HG- "Sit. Sit on da floor. I want to do mermaid matching game in da playroom."
Me- "Ok."  As I sort of sprawl out on the floor..
HG-  In the most emphatic of tones- "NO. SIT LEGS CROSS APPLESAUCE HANDS IN YOUR LAP."
Me-  Laughing out loud.

I must keep writing these little gems down.  So glad she is learning some good stuff at school everyday!