It's been awhile since I have posted anything! Time for some of my recent cupcake creation selfies..
These first ones were for a bake sale at work and spurred me to break down and buy a second icing gun in order to do some color layers.. I love the convenience of icing with the gun, but they go through a ton quickly and are a bit tedious to reload so it was only a matter of time before I needed a second. Adding the chocolate chips was a last minute decision, but actually looked cuter than the candy hearts which sort of sank down into the icing. And the Peep hearts ended up just being for pics, as it occurred to me that the Peeps get super firm and stiff when sitting open for any period of time. These were super easy and fun to do, though!

This next set was for a super bowl party that we went to for a Lilly function. They ended up being easy to do (I had been fretful about the whole icing laces thing), and with the last minute addition of some leftover Easter grass made for a cute presentation. I was feeling quite impressed with myself until we showed up and the hostess had every imaginable mini dessert, cupcakes, cookie decorating station etc.. it literally looked like a professionally catered event. Suffice to say, when they said they didn't need us to bring anything they were not kidding, but I was still excited to have done them!