Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Harper Do It

Ahh, the toddler has learned that she does not like diapies anymore, and that things are better if "Harper do it".  Unfortunately, despite her general disdain for the diapie, I don't think she is really very close to a consistent concept of actually using a potty for something besides an excuse to gather a bunch of toilet paper. Last night she actually undid the diap and then pulled it out through a pants leg... Kudos for the creative maneuver, but I feel like some wet pants/floors/who knows what else are in our future.  She also sprinted out of the bathroom completely nakies after her bath last night before I could even wrap the towel around her and went to go play with her cupcake kitchen, so I think stall tactics are in full swing.

A few pics from a rare Monday off, which was a fun (albeit exhausting!) day with HG.

At the library for toddler story time

Reading "Seals on the Bus" after nap time.. It's nice to see her content in her bed for a few minutes outside of when she is asleep

Took the girls for a walk.. the weather was lovely and fall-like which is my favorite. Taught Harper to say "BaBa, pick up the pace" which cracked me up 

Evening playtime

Toddler yoga

Houdini removes her diapie

There was a very satisfied smile on her face at this point