Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Blogger Break

I have been a very lazy blogger for the last month. There are a variety of things that have prevented my loyal uploads which I had started to really enjoy, primarily that for some reason I can no longer get the silly thing to compose on my work computer, and ironically this is the place where I have the most peace and quiet to think and write. Also, it's just been a really busy summer, both at work and at home!

Soo, no time like the present to get back down to it and make sure that these memories linger around in the midst of our nuttiness.

First, I have made no record of the fact that Carson is getting married!!!  Such an exciting time for her, and brought tears of joy to my eyes when we got the call on July 4th that it finally happened. I would be lying if I didn't fess up to the next moment of quasi panic over having to engage in wedding planning with my sub optimal family dynamics, but I hope that I can get through the process as peacefully as possible. Harper will be three the same weekend as their wedding, and I hope that they can share some special time together as bride and flower girl.. Picking out a dress for Harper is going to be so so fun, but I know that this experience should be more than that also. And as Harper gets older and more like Carson, I desperately want them to be bonded together.

Second, planning a two year birthday party has become another full time job. I really want it to be super cute and special now that we have so many little friends to share it with, but that does start to feel like endless pressure in the details. I have finally hit my threshold for feeling like I am close to being organized with the decor, and am pretty excited to see all the kids with the petting zoo. As with any big affair, I'm pretty anxious that I will put all this effort into it, only to be stressed the whole time or HG will have a total meltdown from the over stimulation, but I really hope not. Talk about being overly influenced by Pinterest and Etsy and all of the portals with over the top party ideas- it really does suck you in to the vortex of what is needed for a birthday party for a two year old. Hunt mistakenly made the comment "she is our only child, she should have whatever she wants"-- mind you this was at the start of the planning, and I am confident that he will live to regret ever letting that sentiment slip. But if it's to be that she is our only child, and you only turn two once then I guess it should be as special a day as possible! It's just so crazy that our little Squeaky is already two and a full blown toddler.

Speaking of the toddler, she is super cute these days.. When she's not being a super tod! Her vocalization has gotten quite a bit more advanced and funny. Also, she has peed in the potty twice! Before eating, there is always "Is hot? Is hot??" as she blows on a refrigerated piece of fruit. And lots of "Mommy ALL DONE ____ or Daddy ALL DONE ____".  She loves being outside and holds Harrison's hand and gives hugs to the other toddlers on command which is precious. And recently discovered that "nakies bounce house" is super fun. She will also use blankets to tuck in her elephant "Mundo" and wants to take her lovies "Pink" and "White" everywhere.

Must keep up better with the blog!!!