Wednesday, August 28, 2013

August in the Toddler Suite

We are coming up to an end shortly on Harper's time in the Purple Locomotives toddler room.. It definitely feels like she just get settled into a routine there, but she is once again the oldest in the class and needs to move up to the two year old room next month after her birthday.  Every new transition for her seems to be hard, so I am not super excited to go through yet another one, but we have definitely seen that her development really blossoms when she can feed off of the older children around her.  She is a total sponge right now, and seems to have new things to say every day and new mannerisms that really add to her personality.

I am a little wistful this morning on the whole daycare thing.  A girl that works here at the hospital had her three month old daughter pass away yesterday while at daycare- it was the nurse's second day back at work after maternity leave, and ironically she was in PALS class while her daughter was being resuscitated by another hospital staff.  It was likely just another tragic, horrible case of a baby dying unexpectedly and had nothing to do with it being in daycare, but it does leave an awful pit in my stomach.  The thought of something happening to Harper is just so unbelievably painful/nauseating/excruciating that I just can't bear to think about it, and yet all the time around me these things are happening to others.  It's just so unfair.

But back to the lighter side and our happy, fun tod in her daily element where she is so happy and thriving.

Painting diapies nakies and with a crown.. So incredibly cute. I mean I just can't get enough of her sometimes!

Red day for colors week. They look like little toy dolls all lined up

Counting bottles