Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Twinkle Twinkle

Fresh from a bath, zipped up in your little one piece jammies and hairs all combed perfectly soft and silky.  You smell fresh, and your skin is oh so soft.  You grab hold of your pink puppy lovie and the white lamb and then we sit down in the blue rocking chair that has served us so well since you arrived and pull out some books.  Occasionally there is a "night night BaBa", who lays down outside your room.

I pull out "Pajama Time" and "The Going to Bed Book", "Barnyard Dance" and we read them each one by one.  At the beginning of Barynard Dance, you stomp your feet and clap your hands just as the books says and then every page that has some yellow on it is accompanied by an excited "is lelloow!"  You've started expanding your book repertoire, so now we make it through "You are My I Love You" and "Snuggle Puppy" and "If you Give a Mouse a Cookie" and then it is time to sing.

We move on to Twinkle Twinkle standard and then I change the verses with my own version of what seems to fit, sometimes rhyming but often not.  We sing "night night mommy, night night daddy, night night baba, night night squeaky" and lately you have been humming along to the tune and interjecting your own babbles.  Often the singing part is when you curl up with your lovies on my shoulder, but occasionally you will look right up at me and sometimes there is even some whispering back and forth.  Everything else in the world just fades away in those moments... It is just you and me, and a room filled with the most peace and love I've ever known.