Monday, June 3, 2013


This weekend, I was lucky/blessed enough to experience a simple perfect moment of sheer joy, as I heard our little girl say her very own name for the very first time.  Apparently, Hunt has been working on this with her in the mornings where they review who makes up her family: Mommy, Daddy, Baba, Harper, repeat.  I am quite sure that they are working on this at school too and probably don't refer to her as Squeaky or it's other derivations.  Nevertheless, on Friday evening as we were hustling and bustling around to get packed up to head over to El Rodeo for our weekly dinner-- a process which is hectic and generally annoying to me after a long week, until we make it to said destination and I get to eat melted cheese-- and I hear this "Haawperr" with total pride coming from a little toddler voice.  It stopped me completely in my tracks, and there was almost a little mommy tear.  If you could see the scene at the time, it was the perfect iteration of our real life right now-- lots of rushing, and packing, and organizing, and maybe some nagging and prodding to keep on schedule, get to dinner before it gets too late, etc etc etc and then all of the craziness punctuated by this wonderful, amazing new discovery that our little munchkin can say her name, and is so happy to do so over and over on command.  Beautiful.

The charm of hearing her list her family and name did not wear out for the entire weekend.  We probably made her do it 20 times and videotaped half of them.  The excitement in her voice each time she says her name is my favorite part!

A few still shots from the playground... the weather was nice enough to play for awhile Saturday evening, and we had a really nice time out there with just our little family enjoying our small slice of suburbia.

Little lady and her favorite "lellow".  To my delight, she totally tolerates wearing a bow and actually keeps it in for some time before taking it off and trying to eat it.  If you ask her which one she wants to wear, though, the response is always the same these days-- "lellow".