Monday, November 3, 2014

Getting Ready for I Do

When we rented the house that we picked for Carson's wedding week, I always had this picture in mind of what I wanted for Carson's wedding day.. a place to relax while spending the day being made up and getting ready for the ceremony.  We woke up that morning to cloudy skies and some rain, but it was truly one of the most fun days and exactly what I was hoping for her.  Hunt was literally like the best version of his husbandly self that I have ever seen- running around taking pictures, making mimosas, picking up food, and catering to us the entire day.  It was phenomenal.  HG managed to get a nap in that afternoon as well which was such a relief knowing what a long day we were going to have.  We had the sound system at the house playing music while we got primped and made up, and it was just a light and happy day.  By the time we left for the venue, the rain had cleared and we were all just so excited for what was to come that evening!

Just love this pic

Getting some makeup like the big girls

Cutie pie

Picture perfect bride

Tiny little accessories