Thursday, August 21, 2014

Updates from Preschool

So far, the transition to the new preschool room seems to be going pretty well.. The lead teacher in her new room, Ms. Tessa seems awesome and very conscientious, and has already sent a ton of pictures and updates on what HG has been up to.  It looks like there are a lot of new activity opportunities and a lot of creativity which I think will keep HG better engaged and excited about her days there.  Here a few pics and the teacher comments (which are always sort of entertaining as well)..

Harper explored the preschool playground with her new Green Conductor friends and Ms. Tessa.  She expressed curiosity and motivation as she explored each area of the playground.  She carefully climbed stairs while holding on to the rails.  She peered into tunnels.  She declined to go down any slides.  She talked about taking a ride on the small train to the zoo.  She laughed and smiled with me as we turned the wheels and talked about animals that live at the zoo.  She talked with Jane about the big red slide as they climbed the stairs of the big train.  

Harper worked with Caroline and Knox to create with sand.  Harper said, "I'm making pasta!"  She used the shovel to dig and pour.  She participated in brief conversation with Caroline as they decided to create a "pizza" when their bucket was full.  Harper said, "Here is the topping!"

Harper pulled the seat back and said, "I want to play here."  I sat next to her.  She grabbed the pipette and explored how to use it.  I asked, "Would you like some help?"  She said, "Yes."  I showed her how to work the pipette using a pincer squeeze.  She then worked the pipette and mixed the colors herself.  We worked together for a few minutes then I let her explore on her own.