Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Road Trippin to Nashville

Who says you can't go home again??  Nashville will always hold a special place for both Hunt and I, and it was delightful to have a few concurrent excuses to make a little weekend road trip back down there.  Spring was in full bloom so it was incredibly beautiful.  I had the opportunity to give a Trauma lecture for the NP students at Vanderbilt, and it happened to be the same weekend as Harrison's 3rd bday, so we turned it into a family weekend.  The cousins were enamored with each other- you could really tell now that Harrison and HG are only about 6 months apart, and they were super cute playing together.

Nothing like an iPad and some toddler puzzles to draw the kids into one place.. 

On Saturday, the kids got to go to Cheekwood Gardens to see trains and the amazing tulips while I was giving my lecture.  Looked like a super fun morning!

Little twirl

Love the tutu wearing girl digging in the mulch and dirt

Toddler tickle time

On Saturday evening, we went out for an early outside dinner for Harrison's birthday.  It was the perfect excuse to pull out this adorable dress that Sue got for HG when we went down to Bloomington!

When in Nashville, a girl must always wear her boots.

Couldn't resist some legs shots with twinsie boots.

Not the most flattering chin shot, but still sweet.

A few family shots on Sunday prior to our departure.. Not a small feat to get all the little people looking at once and smiling.. hence the second shot where it all starts to fall apart with general squirming and fussing, and HG getting a good sniff of her flower.