Monday, February 23, 2015

Big Girl Transitions

It was an exciting weekend at our house with the arrival finally of the long awaited big girl bed. We (read me) have been waiting for this thing to get here for what literally feels like an eternity and I have been itching to get the bed placed so that I could proceed with the decor options I have been pouring over for so many weeks. As it turned out, the bed was much better on an entirely different wall than I was originally imagining so I am very glad that I didn't make any other concrete purchases before we got things situated. HG was super excited for her bed and easily transitioned into it which was great.. even with the removal of her "fishies" which we told her didn't go with a big girl bed. It is soo nice to be able to lay down next to her now and read books at night in a comfortable position. As I was just looking through these pictures, I noticed that she also has on three different princess dresses, which is pretty funny considering all of these pictures were taken over just a few hours span.

So in love with these pink and gold art pieces!

Over version of Where's Waldo? Hard to even find her in that sea of playroom madness. Also note the balloons are attached to her butterfly wings which she thought was hilarious.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Tiny Dancer

After many, many weeks of bated anticipation HG has finally begun her first ballet classes.. "Beautiful Ballerinas" is a cute little group of other three and four year olds that get to put on their tutus and dance around in their tiny slippers. It is beyond adorable. It is also awesome to see her excited about an organized activity and trying out something new!

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas Day 2014

Christmas this year was literally the most fun ever.. HG was so into the whole thing and hilarious to watch as she opened everything and got so excited. These last two days really have been exactly what I would hope for the perfect quiet family holiday!!

The aftermath

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Twas the Night Before Christmas..

And all through the house there was laughter and fun, with toasty fires and reindeer bubbles for all! Perfect day!!

Monday, December 22, 2014

Merry and Bright 2014

Holiday Activities

Just a few pics of writing our letter to Santa.. Very focused on the task!

And gingerbread house decorating.. Again, very focused!

Santa and Sweets with my Sweets

So I am not entirely sure where this notion comes from, but I am like completely anti mall Santas. I have this idea in my head that the Santa visit needs to be quaint and homey and somehow not in the middle of a crazed mall full of intense holiday shoppers. Last year, HG wouldn't even tolerate the idea of being near a strange man in a beard so we skipped the whole thing, but this year I thought I might be able to talk her into the process a bit more. We hopped over to Zionsville for their Santa in the Village which was literally just Santa hanging out in a little house- no photographers, no fees and absolutely no production. He was super nice, though, and I managed to convince her to give him her letter and at least stand in his general vicinity.

Actively shivering as I try to get just a couple of pics around the village

Again completely shivering hahaha

And then we went over to what is pretty much my idea of heaven on Earth. The Cake Bake Shop is a newly opened business here that is literally everything beautiful and girly and serene all mixed into one perfectly appointed place. I am completely in love with it. HG and I had some delicious desserts and then she got to watch them baking which was mesmerizing for her. There were several older girls there with their mothers and it was really sweet to picture having a place like that here that we can go to for a special time together as she gets older.