Harps and I had a super fun day off together yesterday.. We woke up to a huge rain and thunderstorm, and much to my delight got to spend several hours in bed together watching Frozen (the current household favorite.. "I want to see the ice".. "I want to sing the snowman song".. "Where's Elsa?".. etc). We may have had juice and breakfast pastry in bed, followed eventually by some popcorn, and Winnie may have enjoyed some as well. In the softest of little voices, she will sing along with the movie which is beyond adorable.
This is her "pony" which is a little tricky to do with that super fine hair of hers.. But she gets super excited about it
Eventually we motivated into some actual clothes to head out for a Target run.. "Mouse" got to join us for the ride. Well accessorized to run some errands for sure.
And then we spent some time checking out the worms, post rain, which were totally slimy and gross but it felt like the right thing to point them out for the inquisitive toddler.
And then it was off to see Dr. Martinson.. HG did amazingly well with her exam, and Dr. Martinson was really good with her, giving "Mouse" a thorough evaluation as well which seemed to assuage the usual fussiness. The doctors office also has Frozen stickers, so much excitement and pleasure for that to complete the visit. HG is getting big and tall!! 34 pounds and 36 inches! We reviewed her milestones, and she is doing exceptionally well.. She can pick out most letters and can pretty much spell her name, as well as pick out words that start with various letters, etc. so that little brain of hers is a sponge.
Diapies nakies, but still well accessorized for the visit. She told Dr. Martinson about her bracelet from Daddy in Africa which was very cute. All agree that the little nugget is quite verbose for her age! |
We came home for some outside stroller time and to get Mommy/Baba some exercise. She has been asking for sunglasses- specifically Care Bear ones. These proved difficult to find, so Mommy ordered some Tinkerbell ones and told her that she was Care Bear's friend. I am so thankful to have a nice stroller to exercise with, and a toddler that with enough snacks and entertainment, will still tolerate being in it!
All in all, just a really awesome day!!